There's nothing more annoying than programs that you can't uninstall or don't come with an uninstaller.
Normally, I use CCleaner's add-remove function to get me out this pickle but sometimes, not even that works. Advanced Uninstaller Pro helps you get rid of stubborn programs that simply won't appear in your add-remove programs dialogue. It can also scan your PC for files that have been left behind after you've uninstalled software that you no longer use.
When you run a scan, you'll be surprised by the number of files that have been left behind (mostly registry entries) but also unnecessary folders, obsolete files, and graphics. In the worst cases, they can leave behind spyware that can make your life hell. Advanced Uninstaller Pro can uninstall many of these files and using it is as simple as selecting its name from a list, or dragging and dropping a file or a shortcut onto the Advanced Uninstaller Pro desktop icon.
It can't remove everything but Advanced Uninstaller Pro can help clean up the nasties that programs leave behind.
Download Advanced Uninstaller Pro 11.68 in